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Cor Program

The world needs courageous men to witness to Jesus Christ. Cor exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity.

The Knights of Council 577 are excited to share the implementation of Cor, a formation and fraternal opportunity for all Catholic men. To thrive as a faithful Catholic, every Catholic man needs an active and growing relationship with God, to intentionally invest in his formation and prayer life, and to build friendships that will sharpen him and hold him accountable to a life of holiness and virtue. Cor is designed for this purpose. It exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity. The name “Cor”, which is Latin for heart, was chosen because our faith, our relationship with God, and our formation begin with and reside in the heart. This opportunity and invitation is not just for Knights of Columbus. Cor is open to all Catholic men. Please join us at our first meeting of many, which will be held on Wednesday, February 19 at 6:30 AM at the Saint James Parish House. Each meeting will be 60-90 minutes. There is also an opportunity to attend Daily Mass at St. James at 8:00 AM.


Knights of Columbus Council 577 Cor Committee

Fr. Chris Comerford

Jim Hammann

Kevin Martin

Mike Scott

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